

Shroomie (Stat Point)

After the Mother's destruction, few of the shroomies were left wandering around, confused on this sudden freedom they owned. As a result they latched onto the first person they met, and now that they listen to your command they're pretty manageable!

Equipping a Shroomie to a kuku will give the Kukuri +3 ATK skillpoints.

--> Events (Carnival of Life & Festival of Death)
--> Gold Racing Bag


Ra'Chak (Stat Point)

An aggressive battle rooster who will attack anyone near it's nest without a mercy. A lot of people like to use them as protecting their livestock or for illegal fights. For some reason it roars like a lion.

Ra'Chak gives +3 ATK for the Kukuri it's applied to.

--> Event (Carnival of Life)

Art by Unikeko


Ra'Lua (Stat Point)

Very mellow rooster type which can usually be avoided if you simply let it be. However if one wishes to down this beast, they should be prepared for a long fight - even if they do not hit that hard, they will not go down easy.

Ra'Lua gives +3 DEF to the Kukuri it's applied to.

--> Event (Carnival of Life)

Art by Unikeko


Ra'Kae (Stat Point)

Very skittish rooster yet very wanted for it's feathers. However it's one of the fastest animals you will find, and they're cunning enough to not be trapped easily. This in a way only makes their feathers so much more sought for, as they're so hard to get.

Ra'Kae gives +3 SPD to the Kukuri it's applied to.

--> Event (Carnival of Life)

Art by Unikeko
Design by GryAdventures

Flying Shroomie

Flying Shroomie (Stat Point)

The flying nuisance, who enjoys catching things from the ground and dropping them on heads of others, no matter if the thing is a rock or a sheep. They flap around in the night like gooy parrots, collecting glimmering objects to those who have won their trust. Just don't try to scratch underneight their jaws, they are famous of collecting fingers too.

Equipping a Flying Shroomie to a kuku will give the Kukuri +3 SPD skillpoints.

--> Event (Carnival of Life & Festival of Death)

Art by GryAdventures
Aqua Shroomie

Aqua Shroomie (Stat Point)

Less destructive by default than its counterparts, but still capable of causing great misery. Sharp corals jut out from its shell, and it doesn't care if something gets into its way when it tried to find ants and mushrooms to devour. Sharp claws can inflict damage on ground, gravel, wood and stone as well. They would be quite nice to have around, if only they weren't so ignorant for the safety of others.

Equipping Aqua Shroomie to a kuku will give the Kukuri +3 DEF skillpoints.

--> Events (Carnival of Life & Festival of Death)

Art by Unikeko

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