Halla (Traveling)


This odd creature radiates cold air, and all the sound it makes is just a silent constant sound of flames flickering. It does seem to have a wide knowledge of places though, if you're only willing to sit and listen.

Halla guarantees to never fail a traveling activity. The handler/starter who is paired with the kukuri will now bring back one extra item on top of the kukuri's normal roll. For every extra travelling pair of kukuri & handler/starter combo in the same picture, an extra item will be rolled for the kukuri equipped with Halla.

Example illustration:

Kukuri A has a Halla familiar and is drawn in a travelling picture with their own handler, and with Kukuri B and Kukuri C.
Kukuri A will now be rolled their normal item roll, and 1 extra item on top of it (because of their handler).

If Kukuri B who is in the same picture, is also paired with a handler, then Kukuri A will now be rolled 2 extra items on top of their normal roll (1 because of A's own rider, and 1 because B + B's handler)

If Kukuri B and C both have a handler each, then Kukuri A will now be given 3 extra rolls on top of their normal roll.

Basically, the 'extra item roll' will only be awarded if there is a kukuri + handler pair.

This effect can stack a max of 2 times, due to the Travelling activity limiting the number of kukuris to 3. You can of course draw more than 3 kukus, but just like loot, it will not be rolled for these extra kukuris.

- It does not matter if the other kukuris in the picture belong to you or to someone else; as long as there is a 'pair', the effect will activate.
- A starter kukuri can be used in place of a handler.
- Kukuris can't share the same handler in the picture to effect to activate; there needs to be one drawn for each kukuri. If your lore/story doesn't have more handlers, you can use a hired stable-hand or a starter in their place.

--> Traveling Activity
--> December Annual Monthly Quest
--> Divine Shop