
<a href=" of Alteration" class="display-item">Scroll of Alteration</a>

Scroll of Alteration

Category: Modification

Resale Value: 5000 Cr


This scroll allows you to do slight changes to your already uploaded Kukuri import, such as:

  • Tidying up the import while keeping the markings ultimately same (as in the idea of Kukuri should not be changed)
  • Updating markings to the current rules/standards
  • Updating line art color does not require SoA! 
  • SoA does not modify lines, you can't add things like tufts of fur or et cetera with it.
  • You can slightly edit existing markings, as long as their whole idea stays same
  • You can slightly alter colors, but they should not be on different scale altogether (this requires rebirth scroll)
  • Ears and horns are considered free area, and changes in them are looked more leniently - however drastic changes like red ears turning to white are still not allowed.
  • Minimal white and black can't be updated with this item! Enchanted inkwell is used to update those
  • You must use this item if you wish to upgrade or downgrade your existing common Kukuri to/from Legacy lines. This means a Kukuri who has already been posted in Kuku-ri account.

For rules and a guide to using this item, please use the Item Guide

Obtainable from the shop for 5,000 Cr or via crafting.

Crafting ingredients:
5 x bones
1 x Angelberry's leaf
2 x Peridots
2 x Old Parchments
5 x Small feathers

Art by Unikeko

1 result found.