Player Guide

Created: 25 June 2024, 01:22:36 EEST
Last updated: 16 September 2024, 23:06:09 EEST

Player Guide



Lorekeeper guide for newbies

- Registration

-Linking your DA

- Profile and characters

- Submissions

- Bank and Wallet

-Crafting and Shops



- In depth guide

- FP and SP

- ARs and Quests

- Design approvals


Kukuri's two sites

- Info Site vs Lorekeeper



Lorekeeper for Newbies

If youre entirely new to this sort of site, theres a good chance youve not yet encountered a ARPG hosted on a Lorekeeper site yet. It can be a bit overwhelming at first, but dont worry, its fairly easy to learn and adapt to.  The following guide has a few key concepts and functions of the site. If you have used Lorekeeper prior, you will likely already be familiar with these concepts.



Your Profile and Characters:

Joining the site/group means youve read and understand our rules and ToS


This is the first step and probably where youre starting at. Currently Kukuri-arpg's site is in beta, meaning we dont have open registration.

Please wait for an opening to recieve a invite code! In the mean time, we are still actively working queues on DeviantArt, so dont let the delay stop you from playing!


Once you recieve a code to join, you are free to register. Its recommended you use your DA name as your username here (you can change it later if need be). Please also be aware that your verification email will very likely go to your spam/junk folders. 



Once on the site, youll have a lot of options and tools open to you; including your personal player profile.

This profile contains your bank (items), and your wallet (in game currencies). Youll also find all of your uploaded kukuri on your profile. You can orginize your characters by folders, select one to be featured on your profile. More on this later in the guide. 


Youll be able to set your profile picture, Pronouns and profile content in your settings. 





Linking your DA


Submissions (Prompts and Claims):

Once you've joined the site, youll be required to link your DeviantArt account. Why is this?


This is not only further verification of who you are, but it also tells the site who you are and which characters belong to you. This means if you have kukus uploaded already, they will be automaticaly given to you upon linking your account. 


What if I have multiple DA accounts?

In this case, its best to link whichever account you use the most, then submit a claim for the characters that didnt get added to your account due to the extra DA accounts. 


This is a fundemental aspect of Lorekeeper sites, on site queue management. 

Claims are generally for things such as mistakes, admin errors, or other random things that arent included in the prompts

Prompts are various activities you can submit for such as status updates or activity rolls. Its good to remember that kukuris doesnt host all of its queues on the site at this time. If there isnt a prompt for it, please make sure to check the DA links. 




Bank and Wallet
Crafting and the shop

Transfering bank from sheet

This site can hold your bank! Thats right, gone are the days of our spreadsheet not saving and you wondering where your items went. But moving items over isnt automatic. You will need to submit to the queue in the bank threads to get your bank moved. Remember you wont be able to trade with people on DA while waiting or after getting your bank transfered so keep this in mind before choosing to do so!


Note: Your CR is kept in your "Wallet" and your familiars are in their own page of the same name


Once your bank is on the site, you can trade with other people directly, skipping past the queue you would normally need to wait in. You can also sell items for Cr and donate items for other players to claim!



Like most things in the bank, crafting WILL be automated. Its to be noted its not currently set up and you should still use the crafting queue on DA for the time being.


Cr Shop

To find the shops, see the "Activities" dropdown, and click the "Shops" button. Youll find the donation shop there, along with the CR shop (this is the same as the one on DA). You can purchase items from this shop directly, skipping the original DA queue!


Mt Shop

This is a new shop using a new currency. This currency is called Minigame Tokens. You get this by playing Higher or Lower. This shop is not yet set up, but will be in the coming days!







Newbie guide:
FP and SP:

New to the group? We have a detailed guide on both ARPGs and Kukuris here:

Kukuri-arpg newbie guide


That guide covers many important concepts including how to get your first kukuri, so be sure to read it over carefully!



Fate points (FP) and Stat Points (SP) are two point types your kukuri can earn via art. You can read more on FP and SP here: 

FP and SP guide


FP and SP are one of very few queues that are already on this site, meaning if you have an account, you can submit your FP updates right here!




ARs and Quests


Design Approvals:

Activity rolls (ARs) and Quests/events are some of the main ways to earn items and partake in the game. ARs are year round activities you can partake in, where quests are monthly cycling prompts, often with a unique item you can earn during the duration of the quest.  


You can learn about the different ARs here:

Hunting | Gathering | Excavating | Traveling


You can learn about Quests here:

Monthly Quests


To properly get your kukuri added to the game, you need to design it on an import and then get that design approved. Doing this requires submitting to design approvals. 


To learn more about kukuri markings and mutations, read here:

Kukuri Genetics


To get your design checked by an admin, go here:

Design approvals






Kukuri's two sites


Kukuri-arpg has two sites. This one, which is a hub of all of your characters and items. And the Information site, where many of our guides are currently held

Kukuri's info site


If you are seeking any info about activities, rescourses or otherwise, the place to look would be the info site!