DA Import Kuku-661: Brimstone

Owned by mellen-collie@dA

Image #728

Smoked crimson with Panda and Flank

ATK: 0
DEF: 0
SPD: 0

not set
not set

Uploaded: 1 month ago
Last Edited: 1 month ago
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Award Wall
FC Defender - Bronze
Basic Trust Training

Name: Brimstone
ID: 661
Owner: Mellen-Collie
Previous owner: 
Handler: -
Species: Kukuri-arpg
Breed: Common Kukuri
Gender: Male
Age: 10 years
Eyecolour: Orange
Height: 8ft
Weight: 490lb
Genotype: Aa/ee/nSm/nPa/nFl
Smoked crimson with Panda and Flank
Ears: Floppy
Horns: Devil

Skill points:
ATK: 0 DEF: 0 SPD: 0

Biorhythm: Diurnal 
Diet: Omnivore 
Rank: None
Status: Healthy

Personality: Brimstone is a big kuku, and you bet he knows it. He isn't known to be too kind, actually quite the opposite: Brimstone is very protective of his own space and pride as well as his loaf, and he isn't afraid to use his size as an intimidation and his strenght as a weapon. Neither does he have anything close to a good temper, even though he has a little better self-control around the ones he actually likes. Due to being easily agitated, and notably aggressive when agitated, Brimstone is usually kept apart from new kukuris and people, but once he gets used to the newcomers and they show respect with him Brimstone is quite a protector while not maybe so smooth and nice company. He considers it his duty to protect others in his loaf regardless their behavior, especially if they're significantly younger and/or smaller than he is. Females in specific get easily under his protective wings, while males are more often than not seen as competitors that need to be kept in check. 

It takes a lot from a handler and another kuku to get a good relationship going with him since Brimstone's respect must be earned his way, in strength and domination. Of course wrestlening with a kuku this large is a death wish so it's best to start early on with a strick attitude while never losing respect - Brimstone is easy to handle for those who have earned his recognition but one must always remain aware of the fact that if he were to lose the respect towards the handler or loaf mate, it's pretty much the end fo them. 

---------------------------------------- SSS:Unknown
------------------- SS: Lanterns 037 
---------------------------------------- SSD: Unknown 
Sire: Kaamos 247 
---------------------------------------- SDS: Vincent 008
------------------- SD: Dime 065
---------------------------------------- SDD: Kiuru 019
---------------------------------------- DSS: Unknown
------------------- DS: Ace 042 
---------------------------------------- DSD: Unknown
Dam: Ruoto 232 
---------------------------------------- DDS: Unknown
------------------- DD: Untuva 002 
---------------------------------------- DDD: Unknown

Design by Sankko

---------------------------------------- SSS: Unknown
------------------- SS: Kuku-037: Lanterns
---------------------------------------- SSD: Unknown
Sire: Kuku-247: Kaamos
---------------------------------------- SDS: Kuku-008: Vincent
------------------- SD: Kuku-065: Dime
---------------------------------------- SDD: Kuku-019: Kiuru
---------------------------------------- DSS: Unknown
------------------- DS: Kuku-042: Ace
---------------------------------------- DSD: Unknown
Dam: Kuku-232: Ruoto
---------------------------------------- DDS: Unknown
------------------- DD: Kuku-002: Untuva
---------------------------------------- DDD: Unknown

No available skills.

12 August 2024, 12:20:02 EEST

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