DA Import Kuku-1968: Halti

Owned by Peurankasvo

Image #2343

Patched Hazel with Panda and Piebald

ATK: 0
DEF: 0
SPD: 1


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Last Edited: 2 hours ago
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Award Wall

Name: Halti
ID: 1968

Previous owner: Cittyy 

Handler: NA
Breed: Common Kukuri
Gender: Male
Age: 21
: Red
Height: 6.0ft / 182cm
Weight: 365lbs / 165kg
Genotype: aa/Ee/nPaT/nPa/nPld/
Phenotype: Patched Hazel with Panda and Piebald
Ears: Floppy
Horns: Unicorn
Tail: Fuzzy

Skill points:
ATK: 0 DEF: 0 SPD: 1

Biorhythm: Nocturnal
Diet: Omnivore
Rank: None
Other side of the KukuriHalti2 by Peurankasvo

: Halti is an old and wise rook who might seem grumpy and distant at first, but that actually isn't the truth at all. He is a total mute due to an aggressive throat infection when he was a young rook, and while he couldn't get his voice back Halti was able to keep himself alive with different herbs and potions he himself made and brewed. Halti has been very interested and straight on passionate in healing ever since, and because of his straightforward and even a bit rough way of acting combined of him being mute might seem a bit intimidating to some kukuris. Halti takes his healing duties extremely seriously, and even without a voice he is often scolding kukuris of being injured or sick due to them being reckless. He is very caring though and cares about others well-being, even if his actions are a bit harsh.
Another misconception about Halti is that others sometimes think he is a hermit who likes to be by himself more than with others, but in reality Halti is often just too busy brewing potions or gathering ingredients to accompany other kukuris. In fact he enjoys for example eating together and listening to stories, sometimes trying to tell stories of his own by painting small pictures on big stones or cliffs. If there is a possibility for Halti to spend time with other kukuris he won't decline, but since he always puts his work in front of everything else is Halti's time sometimes very limited.

Halti is a calm rook, mostly due to his older age, and he gets easily annoyed by loud noises and hyperactive kukuri pups. Halti isn't afraid to grab the pups by their necks and throw them in a corner of shame to calm down, though he would never hurt anyone without a real purpose. Among young kukuris he is known to be an "old grumpy grandpa", but he is grumpy only because the pups are getting on his nerves. Halti doesn't hate the young ones, just their overly active behavior, and is always very pleased if he meets a young kukuri that would like to learn healing and potion crafting.

---------------------------------------- SSS: Raei 003
------------------- SS: Bourbon 117
---------------------------------------- SSD: Virvatuli 007
Sire: Giraf 392
---------------------------------------- SDS: Unknown
------------------- SD: Senka 040
---------------------------------------- SDD: Unknown
---------------------------------------- DSS: Unknown
------------------- DS: Romeo 049
---------------------------------------- DSD: Unknown
Dam: Raisin 101
---------------------------------------- DDS: Unknown
------------------- DD: Untuva 002
---------------------------------------- DDD: Unknown

Design by Peurankasvo

---------------------------------------- SSS: Kuku-003: Raei
------------------- SS: Kuku-117: Bourbon
---------------------------------------- SSD: Kuku-007: Virvatuli
Sire: Kuku-392: Giraf
---------------------------------------- SDS: Unknown
------------------- SD: Kuku-040: Senka
---------------------------------------- SDD: Unknown
---------------------------------------- DSS: Unknown
------------------- DS: Kuku-049: Romeo
---------------------------------------- DSD: Unknown
Dam: Kuku-101: Raisin
---------------------------------------- DDS: Unknown
------------------- DD: Kuku-002: Untuva
---------------------------------------- DDD: Unknown

No available skills.

20 September 2024, 12:01:06 EEST

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