DA Import Kuku-1907: Sweet Dreams

Owned by pumpkin-spite@dA

Image #2276

Raven with Flank

ATK: -1
DEF: -2
SPD: -2


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Last Edited: 15 hours ago
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Award Wall

Name: Sweet Dreams
ID: 1907
OwnerPumpkin-Spite // xYukirin
Handler: Unknown
Breed: Common kukuri
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 360 lbs
Genotype: aa/ee/Xx/nFl/
Phenotype: Raven with Flank
Ears: Small
Horns: Kirin
Mutations: Eyeless, Crippled

Skill points:
ATK: -1 DEF: -2 SPD: -2

Biorhythm: Diurnal
Diet: Omnivore
Rank: None
Status: Blind, Infertile, Crippled

Named only for his bizarre habit of appearing in children's nightmares, Sweet is known and feared by the villages in the area he lives around - bringing bad luck and horrid omens wherever he may show up. Some say that he has an uncanny ability to predict when unfortunate events may happen - others simply despise the creature and blame their misfortunes on him. Nobody knows quite where he came from or what his purpose is, but people will often chase after him in the hopes of seeing if his curse of bad luck is true - whether those people usually go missing because of the kukuri himself or because of some other force is entirely unknown.

As for the raptor himself, it can be said that he is stoic at best and violent at worse. Years of receiving hostility from his fellow kukus and from the humans who meet him have taught him to be wary of all that he encounters - and though he isn't very likely to win a fight, his marred appearance scares off potential opponents more often than not. It seems that he can be gentle to those he meets on occasion - most often he's seen around children, gently interacting with them, only to become violent and volatile the second an adult happens upon the scene. As for the children, they usually either endure terrible nightmares or bypass the kuku's rather haunting looks and defend him. Despite these gentle moments, however, it's known that the kuku can appear to be quite violent, mercelessly hunting prey through careful patience and strategy only to rip them apart in frustrated confusion when he cannot properly discern limb from body.

He has become a sort of scourge throughout the town, and parents can often be heard telling their children that if they don't behave, the kuku in the woods will pay them a visit. While of course this isn't true, it has done nothing to better citizens' opinions of him, nor his own behaviour.

In reality, it's simply the tale of a kuku pup who wandered away from his parents in a spell of blind confusion - whether or not something within brings bad luck remains to be seen.

---------------------------------------- SSS: Cosmo 094
------------------- SS: Quasars 168
---------------------------------------- SSD: Dime 065
Sire: Makus 818
---------------------------------------- SDS: Unknown
------------------- SD: Chort 036
---------------------------------------- SDD: Unknown
---------------------------------------- DSS: Quasars 168
------------------- DS: Makus 818
---------------------------------------- DSD: Chort 036
Dam: Ysabell 1026
---------------------------------------- DDS: Ace 042
------------------- DD: Lilith 482
---------------------------------------- DDD: Untuva 002

---------------------------------------- SSS: Kuku-094: Cosmo
------------------- SS: Kuku-168: Quasars
---------------------------------------- SSD: Kuku-065: Dime
Sire: Kuku-818: Makus
---------------------------------------- SDS: Unknown
------------------- SD: Kuku-036: Chort
---------------------------------------- SDD: Unknown
---------------------------------------- DSS: Kuku-168: Quasars
------------------- DS: Kuku-818: Makus
---------------------------------------- DSD: Kuku-036: Chort
Dam: Kuku-1026: Ysabell
---------------------------------------- DDS: Kuku-042: Ace
------------------- DD: Kuku-482: Lilith
---------------------------------------- DDD: Kuku-002: Untuva

No available skills.

19 September 2024, 14:04:56 EEST

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