DA Import Kuku-1723: Kalea

Image #2070


ATK: 0
DEF: 0
SPD: 0


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Last Edited: 3 days ago
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Award Wall
Bronze Prairie

Name: Kalea
ID: 1723
HandlerShamira 657
Breed: Common Kukuri
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Eyecolor: Green
Height: 6'8"
Weight: 450 lbs
Genotype: aa/Ee/
Phenotype: Hazel
Ears: Floppy
Horns: Devil
Tail: Fuzzy

Skill points:
ATK: 0 DEF: 0 SPD: 0

Biorhythm: Nocturnal
Diet: Omnivore
Rank: None
Status: Healthy

: Kalea is a doof. He's a goofball who spends most of his time chasing things for the sake of chasing them, sleeping, or chewing on grass as he watches the clouds. A simple creature of simple pleasures, he's quite the chatty rook and he will chitter and coo to hismelf just for the sake of making noise. He will sing and prance about with Shamira's music, and is his handler's primary companion on the long roads between villages. As a result, it is not uncommon to find them cuddled up together near a fire.
Kalea is playful and as a result of being raised by a mostly solitary bard, very musically oriented. He can and will mimic melodies he's only ever heard once, and will do so with frightful accuracy. He will often do this to mess with people, or indicate that he wants to play. He will also chase his tail in endless circles while making loud squawking noises entirely for his own entertainment. For some unknowable reason, Shamira encourages this.
For all his sweetness however, Kalea is not a gentle Kuku. He likes to test new things with his teeth, has a very high prey-drive, and if you touch anything in the cart that Shamira straps to Kalea's back, you will be on the receiving end of 450 lbs of pure Kukuri rage. Claws and horns both will be your reward for messing with Shamira's things. And if you try to harm Shamira himself? Kalea will go balistic. Utter furious and primal drive to protect what little there is in his loaf.
This rook is also undeniably lazy, and only Shamira has ever figured out what motivates him to move and work.

It is worth noting this rook is more than a little attention-starved, and he has no social skills with other kukuri at all due to being raised by a Ketucari who found his nest alone in the wild.

---------------------------------------- SSS: Unknown
------------------- SS: Ace 042
---------------------------------------- SSD: Unknown
Sire: Lonnie 054
---------------------------------------- SDS: Unknown
------------------- SD: Liberia 044
---------------------------------------- SDD: Unknown
---------------------------------------- DSS: Vincent 008
------------------- DS: Casanova 070
---------------------------------------- DSD: Senka 040
Dam: Vanua 686
---------------------------------------- DDS: Nabu 048
------------------- DD: Esme 252
---------------------------------------- DDD: Lime 015

---------------------------------------- SSS: Unknown
------------------- SS: Kuku-042: Ace
---------------------------------------- SSD: Unknown
Sire: Kuku-054: Lonnie
---------------------------------------- SDS: Unknown
------------------- SD: Kuku-044: Liberia
---------------------------------------- SDD: Unknown
---------------------------------------- DSS: Kuku-008: Vincent
------------------- DS: Kuku-070: Casanova
---------------------------------------- DSD: Kuku-040: Senka
Dam: Kuku-686: Vanua
---------------------------------------- DDS: Kuku-048: Nabu
------------------- DD: Kuku-252: Esme
---------------------------------------- DDD: Kuku-015: Lime

No available skills.

16 September 2024, 14:19:38 EEST

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