DA Import Kuku-1428: Tequila Sunrise

Owned by ShadowMagpie

Image #1704

Iridescent Crimson with Siamese, Blanket and Luminescent

ATK: 0
DEF: 0
SPD: 0


Uploaded: 2 weeks ago
Last Edited: 2 weeks ago
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Award Wall
Basic Trust Training
Heavy Load Training

Name: Tequila Sunrise
Nickname: Tequila
ID: 1428
Owner: ShadowMagpie
Previous owner
Breed: Common kukuri
Gender: Female
Age: 8
: Orange
Height: 185 cm
Weight: 186 kg
Genotype: Aa/ee/nIr/nSi/nBl/nLu
Phenotype: Iridescent Crimson with Siamese, Blanket and Luminescent
Ears: High ears
Horns: Ram horns

Skill points:
ATK: 0 DEF: 0 SPD: 0

Biorhythm: Crepuscular
Diet: Omnivore
Rank: Arisen
Status: Healthy

: Are you ready to party? Because this little lava lamp is! 

Tequila has never been close to the nature or learned the living from other kukus, so she is... little weird. But she loves having a good time and living in the moment!
For all her life, she's been living in the city with her bartender owner without learning how to get herself food or learn to hunt. Her handler has done her disservice by providing food and place to live, without making Tequila learn those herself or work as anything else than being pretty glowing dove that gets more customers to bar. She was bought while really young, so she doesn't know of any other type of life which could be more natural to her. She's used to drunken people and people in general, but haven't met that many kukuris and doesn't know how to act with them. So socializing with other kukuris is not easy and she might act little silly for not knowing how she should act.

As of late she's encountered wild kukuri and gotten interested in them and getting to know this "weird different style of life". She managed to befriend Korpi, who is like total opposite to Tequila herself. And sometimes, opposites complete each others.
Tequila is really outgoing personality once you get to know her, and when she starts to feel comfortable in your company, party can start! She does her best to make others have fun, which sometimes might come out as little rude or making others feel uncomfortable, because of her pushing her lifestyle to others. 

Learning from wild kukus have tickled Tequilas mind with idea of leaving the city behind and searching for the unknown. Who knows, maybe she'll soon sneak away from her not so nice owner. 

---------------------------------------- SSS: Raei 003
------------------- SS: Bourbon 117
---------------------------------------- SSD: Virvatuli 007
Sire: Blacklight 424
---------------------------------------- SDS: Dall 023
------------------- SD: Adilene 087
---------------------------------------- SDD: Hannah 011
---------------------------------------- DSS: Tonic 262
------------------- DS: Flicker 364
---------------------------------------- DSD: Try 133
Dam: Wyla 681
---------------------------------------- DDS: Aurinkotuuli 140
------------------- DD: Virvatuli 497
---------------------------------------- DDD: Erro 029

Design by GryAdventures with edits by men0ni 

---------------------------------------- SSS: Kuku-003: Raei
------------------- SS: Kuku-117: Bourbon
---------------------------------------- SSD: Kuku-007: Virvatuli
Sire: Kuku-424: Blacklight
---------------------------------------- SDS: Kuku-023: Dall
------------------- SD: Kuku-087: Adilene
---------------------------------------- SDD: Kuku-011: Hannah
---------------------------------------- DSS: Kuku-262: Tonic
------------------- DS: Kuku-364: Flicker
---------------------------------------- DSD: Kuku-133: Try
Dam: Kuku-681: Wyla
---------------------------------------- DDS: Kuku-140: Aurinkotuuli
------------------- DD: Kuku-497: Virva
---------------------------------------- DDD: Kuku-029: Erro

No available skills.

2 September 2024, 18:10:27 EEST

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