DA Import Kuku-1136: Pannu

Owned by gryadventures@dA

Image #1376

Hazed Amber with Hood and Pangare

ATK: 1
DEF: -1
SPD: 0


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Last Edited: 4 weeks ago
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Award Wall
Basic Trust Training

Name: Pannu
Her birth name was Tuulihaukka, but she feels like Pannu fits her better. What ever that reason is.
ID: 1136
Handler: None
Breed: Common kukuri
Gender: Female 
Age: 3
: Orange
Height: 5 ft
Weight: 270 lbs
Genotype: Aa/Ee/nHz/nH/nPg/
Phenotype: Hazed Amber with Hood and Pangare
Ears: Hight ears
Horns: Kirin horns
Tail: Fuzzy tail
RuffleMuffed ruffle

Skill points:
ATK: 1 DEF: -1 SPD: 0

Biorhythm: Nocturnal
Diet: Omnivore (prefers meat)
Rank: Delta
Status: Healthy, you can see her bones easilly.

    • 1 x Scroll of Modification - Allows you to put unique factor on your Kukuri

Pannu is hard to deal with, to say the least.  She is that one constantly a bit snappy and grumpy granny personality which is hard to please and be around with. She would be the one telling you exactly all the things that are wrong on the day or on you. She has been like so from her very hatching. It is as if she was feeding on some sour lemon juice inside her egg. Forever teenager mode! She depreciate adult kukuris (she herself excluded), can't stand elderly kukus ( especially her dad) because their life lessons bore her, BUT she adores small baby kukuris and ofc some of her sisters and brothers. 

There is interesting on/off switch on her. 
You can see her shine and smile when ever there is small ones around, and her eyes throw daggers at grown up kukuris and their handlers instantly on sight. But like saif before, she loves small kukus. She actually has a bit bad habit of luring small innocent kukuri pups with her into the forest so that she could play with them in peace without adults taking part, but most often she is found and chased away. 

Pannu has tendency to eat meat and hunt over eating of plants. You could thing this is something she learned from her mom, but actually it was thrill of running and chasing prey which made her like that. About her mother, Diablo and her - she has really mixed feelings for her.  -----------

-----------------------------------------This part got cut of and so you will live in somesort of cliffhanger until I have energy to remember what I was writing------------------------------------------------------

Original import: Pannu by GryAdventures
---------------------------------------- SSS: Unknown
------------------- SS: Unknown
---------------------------------------- SSD: Unknown
Sire: Nabu 048
---------------------------------------- SDS: Unknown
------------------- SD: Unknown
---------------------------------------- SDD: Unknown
---------------------------------------- DSS: Bourbon 117
------------------- DS: Giraf 392
---------------------------------------- DSD: Senka 040
Dam: Diablo 620
---------------------------------------- DDS: Eastern alpha male 2
------------------- DD: Riekko 186
---------------------------------------- DDD: Eastern alpha female 2 

Design by GryAdventures 

---------------------------------------- SSS: Unknown
------------------- SS: Unknown
---------------------------------------- SSD: Unknown
Sire: Kuku-048: Nabu
---------------------------------------- SDS: Unknown
------------------- SD: Unknown
---------------------------------------- SDD: Unknown
---------------------------------------- DSS: Kuku-117: Bourbon
------------------- DS: Kuku-392: Giraf
---------------------------------------- DSD: Kuku-040: Senka
Dam: Kuku-620: Diablo
---------------------------------------- DDS: Eastern alpha male 2
------------------- DD: Kuku-186: Riekko
---------------------------------------- DDD: Eastern alpha female 2

No available skills.

22 August 2024, 15:19:51 EEST

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